Freeze your opponents... to death! I know, very clever.
Freeze was a later addition to Winterborn in the grand scheme of Winterstorm design. I can't even remember what it replaced at this point. Aaron or another member of the team probably does, if you're curious.
Anyways, when it showed up, it hit the ground running. It's got impact. It used to be better. But it's still great.
Disclaimer: This deck isn't very nice to range 1 characters. I forbid you from holding me accountable for any destroyed friendships.
This deck runs a lot of Cryomancer cards with a few spicy Druid additions for its Class cards, and Winterborn as its Specialization.
Here's the cards:

"Whaaa?! Vine Snap? Are you crazy, Aislyn? That card sucks!"
... yes? To both?
Basically, this deck starts off the early game by playing out Coldshape and / or Druidic Lore into a Fractal Burst. Because of Fragments, Power at this point is more or less solved. Then, it lures its opponents into its glorious Vine Snap-trap (as I have affectionately called it) where they don't pay, get a decent turn on us, and then we blast them to the Wintersea and back!
The kill potential of this deck is very high. It's all about playing your cards that Control them in a way that forces them out of their interaction as early as possible, and then playing Freeze for an even greater lock and huge amounts of damage. The higher you can pump the Freeze numbers up, the better. It's all about that high score!
It's also impressive just how much leverage you can garner out of Deep Snow with so little options for activating it. Positioning yourself well for your Winterburst trigger can send foes back into its icy pits, and simply stepping through can be a major hindrance for them, especially if they're range 1 (rest in peace, range 1 players).
Vine Snap can also quickly go from a minor annoyance to a major decision with well placed Deep Snow. There's a whole layer of Ivion that involves tactical placement even completely separate of the strategic card game, which is a beast in and of its own.
This deck can sometimes dump its hand like an avalanche (pun intended), and has surprised me when I found myself with a nearly empty hand and nothing to do. In some more competitive games, I even found myself running in circles as a method of tempo because of how many Slow options it has, and simply waiting for another substantial burst turn to finish the job.
So yeah. Slow 'em down. Kill 'em dead. Lots of damage. Lots of Control. Keywords! Buzzwords! I believe in you! Give it a whirl and tell me what you think!