Double cursed! Accursed cursed! Is it too much to handle?! Maybe... ?
Well, this is probably my favorite deck in Winterstorm. I love aggro in any game I play. Who wants to play these games, anyways? It's all about winning or losing instantly.
That might be a little extreme. Don't quote me on that.
Anyways, this is a list that I've refined (take that as you will) over a year or so. I'd say to view this less as theorycrafting, and more like murder-crafting. Often times, it's yourself with this deck. Can you murder yourself?
So this deck plays Giant and Warrior as its two Classes, and, of course, Curseblade as its Specialization. Yep, no Witch. Not allowed here.
Here's the cards:

So, overall, this deck is attempting to quickly close the gap and keep it closed. It assumes that it can pile on Control with Smash and Intimidate to win the tug of war, and keep them close with Lame.
It has quite a few Giant Attacks that cost 2 Actions to play, which would normally be impossible as a squishy Curseblade, but Accursed Strength paired with Cursed Dagger on a stick is a wicked combination.
Giantskin and Fight with Honor are both impressive cards in their own right, and worth playing for the sheer value they generate. Crush is arguably the worst card destruction in the game, but this archetype combination's card destruction options are severely limited (Munch and Crush). The reason we don't run Munch is because this deck is dangerously close to having a Power deficit.
Accursed Strength and Giantskin is a fun combo for obvious reasons. Take less damage when they attack you on their turn, and take less damage when you damage yourself on your turn for value! We originally ran Bumble and Shadowburst for movement advantage, but I decided to knock it down to Shadowburst alone with support from Tenacity (Which is growing on me more and more).
Curse of Hysteria is a fantastic finisher, and not a huge investment. Often times it will get Destroyed unless you can protect it with Ebon Powder or Fight with Honor, but most of the time, this deck can handle piling on the damage without it. If you've resolved a Smash against them with a Curse of Hysteria up, you're probably doing something right. It's a lot of damage.
Cripple is great because it forces interaction early in your combo turn, and Heartseeker is fantastic because you might just actually use that second Cursed Dagger trigger. Ebon Feint fills a similar role, and just generates some much needed Power.
That's about it about specific cards and interactions. It doesn't have a great showing against decks that pile on Control beyond melee range, though, which has proven to be problematic. Tenacity has partially alleviated this issue, but not wholly. However, the main reason I love playing this deck is because it feels so smooth. Things can go wrong and you can get stuck and killed, sometimes easily, but when this deck is at its best, it feels like a well-oiled machine, and it's super fun.
If you enjoy aggro, synergy, and flavor (question mark?), then give this deck a whirl and tell me what you think!
I've played against this deck a few times, and I think I've played it once. One question: why do you run Crush over Munch?