Hey there, welcome to the Ivion forums! We're a rowdy bunch here. I hope you enjoy your stay!
I've got a bit of a quick start for the curious. Check it out!
What is Ivion?
I can certainly answer that question. So, first of all, Ivion is awesome. Have you ever wanted to play a competitive card game, but instead of summoning creatures or tinkering with abstract mechanics, your deck represents a single, powerful character? Each card is a masterful weapon strike if you're a Warrior, or a devastating spell if you're a Cryomancer.
In it's simplest terms, Ivion is a competitive card game where you have a deck, and you battle against an opponent who also has a deck. However, each of you also has an avatar that represents your character on a board. You might be playing a long range ice mage, while they might play a short range warrior.
Each card in your deck is working, in some way, towards victory: reducing their life total to 0. When they're down, you win the game. Simple! Getting there, however, is often times easier said than done. They're going to try to trick you, outmaneuver you, counter your stuff with their own stuff, and ultimately... well, defeat you first. So! It's up to you to figure out how to get past their defenses, while keeping your own strong.
There's a lot more going on than just that, but above is the essence of the game. We set out to create a game that felt almost like a fighting game in its nature, except transported onto a tabletop setting. There's also a whole world of deck construction, where you build your own character from scratch. Games of Ivion are fast, but they feel brutal and oh so fun. Landing your big attack against a vulnerable enemy is a really good feeling, and nothing can replace pulling victory from the clutches of defeat.

If you want to learn more about how to play, check out this nifty rules presentation by The Rules Girl. (The card format in the video is outdated, but no biggie. The rules are right.)
Ways to Start Playing
There's a couple of ways to start playing! If you have Tabletop Simulator you can start playing right away with anyone else that has it and the Ivion deckbuilder and play area.
Otherwise, snag a copy of Winterstorm from our store to play in person! It's a huge amount of value. Seriously. And really fun. I would highly recommend it, and I'm not biased at all.
Ways to Connect
The best way to contact us and join the community is to hop onto our Discord server! Discord is a free instant chat server shared by everyone on that server. So get on there if you'd like to talk about Ivion, set up Tabletop Simulator games, and so on!
Of course, there is also this forum, which will act as a hub for more permanent discussions. Our Facebook page is a great way to stay up to date on the current happenings, information, events we're attending, new reveals, and other announcements. Finally, if you love the art of the game, check out our Instagram!
Where to Next?
Well, you may need some starter decks to put together and learn how to play. You can always find those in the rulebook on page 16, but there's also some nifty starter decks posted in this very forum with commentary to help you get started. Stop by the other threads in the New Challengers category for some deckbuilding tips, and other advice that our community has to offer!
Snag a copy of the physical Winterstorm product to play with some local friends! Such a fun way to play. There's also a print and play versions of a starter deck match up if you'd like to give it a test run first. (To be added soon!)
Finally, introduce yourself to the community! Post in General, apprise us of your glorious presence, perhaps ask a question if you're feeling unsure about something. I promise we don't bite, unless we're in a game. Well, not even then, there aren't any vampires or werewolves in Ivion. Or are there?
Have fun!