I came. I saw. I conquered.
The proverb never seems to grow old. It inspires a sense of greatness, of empire. Of commanding something larger than life. And I believe that we all have the potential to instill that within ourselves and our peers. And that it is our duty and honor to do so.
And thus, Design & Conquer is born! Join Aaron and I as we talk about a wide variety of topics, from experiences we've had designing and publishing Ivion, to applying that knowledge beyond and how you can use it to effect change in your own projects.
Every month, we'll go on a walk with a topic in mind. We work best when our ideas flow naturally, so we'll go on tangents, tirades, most likely off-topic, and circle back around. In the end, I'll write up a transcript of our discussion distilled so you can garner some interesting talking points.
Depending on the success of the project we may increase the frequency, add some guest speakers, convert into a podcast, or make some videos.
Ivion is a designer's game at heart. It's fun and relatively easy to come up with new card ideas, and it's a blast to brainstorm a new Class or Specialization. Because of this, we feel like our community attracts dreamers. And we want you to dream big. We want to equip you with the knowledge and imbue you with the courage you need to take your ideas and make them reality.
So join us to learn about design philosophy, the gaming industry, our journey, and have some fun along the way in Design & Conquer!