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Brigands pummel their foes with brutal control and apply sinister poison.
Yeomen prefer to keep their foes at a distance, capable of playing powerful cards from afar.
Peasants are plucky and stubborn, capable of littering the battlefield with quirky cards and gaining an uncanny amount of luck.
Wizards quizzically ponder the battlefield, generating initiatives, drawing cards, and blasting their foes from afar with arcane spells.
Sorcerers rage against their foes, generating high amounts of power to unleash powerful attacks and change the battlefield with Enchanted Terrain.
Knights engage in honorable combat, dueling their foes in melee range with powerful attacks and a consistent defense.
Warriors charge into the fray, stunning and damaging their foes with powerful damage. They become more fearsome as the battle rages on.
Druids wield dual axes and create Difficult Terrain, savaging their foes with attacks that additionally heal themselves over time.
Cryomancers wield ice, controlling and damaging their foes simultaneously. They also create Difficult Terrain, freezing the battlefield.
Giants smash and break the battlefield, creating Difficult Terrain and launching massive, delayed attacks.
Witches wield black magic to curse and defile, applying lingering status effects to debilitate their foes.
Manifests master control and prevention, stopping a blow before it can begin, or healing themselves after it has occurred.